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WIC Downtown Director/
Springfield Regional Development Corporation

Description of Duties:


The Downtown Director for Windsor Improvement Corporation (WIC) is responsible for duties related to the Town of Windsor VT’s “designated downtown”, utilizing the “Main Street Model” (which may include a future Design/Beautification subcommittee as well as working with the WIC Marketing Committee and WIC Board of Directors). This includes annual program updates to the municipality and the State (on behalf of WIC) and assisting property and business owners in the designated downtown with support of economic development, promotion, and beautification of the properties/businesses.


The Downtown Director is an employee of Springfield Regional Development Corporation (SRDC) and is the staff to WIC’s Downtown Committee, which reports to the WIC’s Board of Directors.  The Downtown Committee creates an annual work plan (approved by the WIC Board and submitted to the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development), which the Downtown Director will assist the Committee in executing/reporting under the day-to-day supervision of SRDC’s Executive Director.


The position requires the Downtown Director to collaborate with all municipal departments, businesses and property owners in the Designated Downtown District, the Mount Ascutney Regional Commission, the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development, and other organizations as the need arises.


Please provide a cover letter and resume to Bob Flint, SRDC, 14 Clinton Street, Suite 7, Springfield VT  05156 or email to


SRDC is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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