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Windsor Improvement Corporation is a non-profit economic development organization that works closely with Windsor Town Government and community resources. The goals and objectives of the Corporation are to improve the quality of life of the residents of the Town of Windsor, Vermont and surrounding area by revitalizing the town, redeveloping and improving the community's business and economic base, preserving and enhancing the community's environmental and historic resources, building a positive image for the community, and informing the public and involving them in such revitalization.

Our goals are:

  • Provide assistance to new and expanding businesses; aid those seeking to relocate to the area.

  • Promote revitalization of the designated downtown area.

  • Promotion of the community to attract tourists and assist with relocation.

The Board meets monthly on the 3rd Thursday at 7:30 A.M.

The Marketing Committee meets monthly on the 3rd Monday at 6:00 P.M.

For those interested in attending, please contact us at

About Us

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