Windsor Improvement Corporation (WIC) was created in 1975 as a 501 (c ) 3 non-profit corporation, dedicated to support and promote economic development in Windsor Vermont.
Since then, WIC has been instrumental in projects throughout the community, including first establishing an industrial park on the edge of town, which since has developed into Artisans Park, the home of Harpoon Brewery and several other businesses. WIC was also involved in the recruitment of Simon Pearce, which has its primary manufacturing facility next to Artisans Park.
WIC also has always focused on the core of Windsor, creating the initial Downtown Committee, which led to the Town of Windsor being recognized as a Designated Downtown by the State of Vermont.
In recent years, WIC completed a successful pilot housing project in the Jarvis Street area of Windsor, a part of the community that has been challenged to attract funding due to flood plain regulatory constraints. WIC, with support from the Town of Windsor, acquired an empty building and did a complete renovation, including lifting the structure to comply with flood regulations. The house now is fully occupied and serves as an example of what can be done to improve properties in that area.
Housing has also recently been a focus of WIC’s activity through property that WIC owns behind the Windsor Diner. WIC has partnered with Evernorth and the Windham Windsor Housing Trust to develop a 25-unit workforce housing project, “Central and Main”. It is expected that this development will break ground in 2023.
WIC also owns the former Goodyear Tire property and Windsor Resource Center in the downtown area. The former Goodyear site has been rebranded as the River Street Commerce Park and WIC, with management support from Springfield Regional Development Corporation (SRDC), hosts 15 tenants in the buildings on the site. WIC also facilitated a $400K EPA-funded brownfield cleanup of a former slab on the property, working with the Mt Ascutney Regional Commission (MARC). This has since led to the installation of a 500-kilowatt solar array, which provides renewable energy for the businesses in Artisans Park.
The Windsor Resource Center is the hub for social and non-profit services in the community. Currently, 12 tenants serve residents at the Resource Center, which WIC operates with management support from SRDC and in partnership with Mt. Ascutney Hospital.
WIC partners with SRDC to provide support to existing companies in the community, as well as those looking to start a new business. SRDC’s resources include counselors from the Small Business Development Center and the Procurement Technical Assistance Center. WIC also works closely with the Town of Windsor, including providing assistance to the Town’s Revolving Loan Fund.
The volunteer WIC Board of Directors is comprised of community and business leaders, including representation from the Town and local supervisory union.